Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "CONDUCT" We shall examine this topic 'Conduct' on the contents of human relationship, how we conduct ourselves in the public, work and business places - The way we relates to people should be done with caution, and to have respect for one anothers.. Among thousand our conducts and characters will single us out either for honour or dishonour. Since we cannot live in isolation, it tell on us to realise this fact, that people count in the of honour, because come into your life as a blessing and some come as a lesson, you in both of them to forge ahead in life. Therefore, be friendly and have the fear of God in your dealings with others and with humility, in due season the Lord will lift you up. (James.4:10). Thanks for reading and keep blogging- Fmmanuel.

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