Thursday, April 04, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "SOCIAL JUSTICE" Often times vital decision are taken at the leadership levels in direct voilation to divine covenant with total disregard and lack of respect to the feelings of the led. I do not think that God will confer power on any individual to promote oppression. The position of authority are not to be used arbitrarily. God expect leader to responsibie with power, because God walk in history to reward responsible and faithful action, hence we should avoid coveteousness as a leader, it will certainly lead to discontext which will bring unhappiness. It make men torment themselves. It is also lead to the heaviness of heart and rottenness of bones. Dear readers, as you find yourself in the position of authority, be careful let not power corrupt your mind, rather be led by the spirit of God, also rememberthat the fear of the Lord is the begining of wisdom 7(prov.1:7) - Leadership position is subject to accountability to God. Thanks for reading and keep blogging - Emmanuel.

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