Friday, April 05, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "TRIALS" The challenges place at every distance on our ways are open door to breakthrough and success. Sometimes God allows us to pass through a challenge because he knows we can handke it and be crowned. A challenge was given for people to swim through a dangerous river. Every potentail winner was hanging at the side of the water rumminating on the dangers of swimming through when one of them jumped inside and began to swim furiously through the water. When he got to the other side, he was praised, celebrated and honoured. When asked what motivated him to plunge into the dangerous water and swim through. He said "I was afraid like others but somebody pushed me and I concluded I must not fail". The problem or challenge before us is not the primary issue, but the way we respond to it. Friends realise this fact that the trials of life are part of the ways by which God prepared us for the next challenge of life. So when we feel something is getting delayed, may be the Lord is "Painstakingly cooking something specail". What you just need to remember all the time is that ' No matter how long it takes for the night to pass, the day will come and sun will rise". Therefore 'Stay on'. Thanks for reading! Emmanuel.

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