Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "EXPERIENCE" What happen to you cannot be regarded as an experienence, but it is how you handle such situation and scale through it, is what experience is all about. When you suddenly find yourself down the valley of life and none to turn to for help, how you react in such situation without shifting blame on other people, but you prefer to focus on God who will never leave nor forsake you in storm of your life, while the storm is raging and you are at the breaking point, still hojd firmly God. Whenever you come out of the storm it is an experience. Also realise this fact, as a child of God, that in any situation remember that you are in the porter's hand. Even right down the valley, when think you are all alone. He watches over you. Therefore friends, leasthng to instruction and you will not stary away from the words of knowledge.(prov.19:27) Thanks for reading and keep blogging - Emmanuel.

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