Saturday, April 06, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "AMBITION" The strong desire to achieve our goals will continue to urge us to forge ahead despite the obstacles along the way, the wishes and emotional attached to ambition will become a driven force to propel us to go extra miles to achieve such objectives. In the quest for such ambition you need an insight and wisdom to pursuit your goals to the logical conclusion. In that wise, the Almighty God must come to bear, hence He is the giver of wisdom and insight, so therefore, the fear of the Lord must take pre-emient in our lives. He will guide, teach and instruct us till we arrive at the platform of desire. (Ps.32:8). In addition we must avoid inordinate ambition which may lead to selfishness, in that vain we may not get God's backing, but if our ultimate goals is to impact others positively . Then success is assured when we allow God to take the centre stage. Thanks for reading and keep blogging- Emmanuel.

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