Friday, March 15, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "GODLY WISDOM" Wisdom is a valuable commodity that few men appreciate (Job.28:12-28) revealed on how valuable and rare godly wisdom is. The only reliable source of wisdom is God (James1:5-8) because He alone has the understanding of everything, hence for man to learn wisdom he must start with a reverence of God. Wisdom doesn't just benefit the wise man. His wisdom becomes a blessing to those around him. Scholarship is not an addition to acquired wisdom. The number of the letters after man's name, even a doctorate in Theology will not tell you if a man is wise or not, just because a man claims wisdom and others back him up does not necessarily make it so. For further deeper understanding of this topic, see you at next assembly. Thanks for reading and keep blogging- Emmanuel.

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