Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "DISAPPOINTMENT" Life come hard sometimes, when something so unexpected sudden or severe happened to you without warning. Trauma rattles your confident. Questions bombered your mind: What happening? Why is this happening? Why now? Why to me? Your mind runs wild trying to make sense of things that don't immediately make sense. You struggle to re-gather yourself, to regain equlibrium, and to recover a grasp of events. Friends living right does not provide a holy exemption from trouble, though you can wish it does. You think you've had problem? (Read about Paul's comment in 2 Corinth.6:4-10) certainly he was not delighted with his circumstances, but neither was he devastated. He placed his heart in the hands of the One who "anointed" to heal the broken hearted,.. to comfort all who mourn... to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:1-3) King David knew anguish , the worst kind of physical and emotional pain (2 Samuel 12:15-19) but he simply picked up the shaltered pieces of his life and offered those pieces to God in Worship. Take note of this, Worship, acceptance and trust are always appropriate responses. God that watches over you will not abandoned you in the storm of your life. Thanks for reading and keep blogging - Emmanuel.

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