Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic : "IMPRESSION" Does your words and ideas make an impression on people? Do you realise that the opinon you intend to pass across depend on the reality people will get about such ideas or opinons to form their first impresson about you. In this content therefore, you should work on the ideas you intend to sell to people for accesstability . The facts and figures must be in place for people to see., in order to arrive at the general impression a quertionarre could be provded for comments and suggestion that form the bedrock of the score-card about your presentation and a first immpression made on your audience.. Furthermore, the feedback becomes an asset tools for ynu to work upon to forge ahead in your pursuits. Have this at back of your mind that no man is island of his own, hence the need to seek help from experts which become inevitable and also realise this fact, that first immpression is very important in any endeavour, it can either mire you or lift you into acceptance. Therefore be courageous and trust in your ability, and with God at the centre stage. Success is assured. Thanks for reading and keep blogging - Emmanuel.

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