Friday, April 12, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "SELF IMAGE" God has created you to you and not another person. So if your conscience is not clear about your image, God is greater than your conscience. You should therefore feel more concerned about how God see you than how men see you. God designed every person perfectly (Ps.139:13-16) Our inward parts which are hidden from physical view. All these inward parts are intricately designed by God. Our parents are only instruments used by God to preserve our delicate structures and to bring us forth into the world. Every one of us is a fearful and wonderful work of God. There is nothing about our being that is hidden from God - the creator, because: (1) The substance from which we are made was created by Him. (2) From the substance, He carefully and skillfully designed us as He had conceived in secret. It is exactly what he conceived He made. Therefore friends stop looking down on yourself, but rise up and shine to fulfil your God's ordained destiny! Thanks for reading and keep blogging - Emmanuel.

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