Tuesday, April 02, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: ""RESOLUTE FAITH AND PRAYER" To standing in guard and praying are the very first steps to take against the enemy" attack. Ij is very necessary to be spiritually alert, to enable us walk out of the seducive temptation and terrifying trails that satan lunches against us. By watching and constantly praying, we can focus our minds only upon things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and good report (phil.4:8). This will automatically lift up our souls to trust God for our victory, when we allow Him to take centre stage of our lives. It is inevitably that we should have a mind-set which has God at the centre. When we adhere strictly to this principles, assuredly He will not leave, focsake nor abandoned us in midst of our battle, rather He will make a way of excape for us. I therefore encourage all the reads of this blog to adopt the habit of resolute faith!prayer in all your pursuit, certainly xou will arrive at the platform of desire. Thanks for reading and keep blogging. - Emmanuel.

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