Monday, April 01, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "THANKS" The scripture says that it is a good thing to gives thank unto the Lord and to sing praises unto His name. O' most High. (ps.92:1). Friends it tell on us to gives thank most especially this Easter season, to return all thanks, praises and adorations unto our God for the gift of Jesus that His died and resurrection bring pardon ,restoration into life eternal with joy unspeakable and pleasantiness through to the other side of eternity, but we must constantly anchor our faith on him. 'JESUS' . While I wish you all Happy Easter, also I welcome all my readers to the month of April, the month of fulfilment. He that watches over you when you think you are all alone, shall fulfil the petition of your heart this new month in Jesus Name. Till we meet at next assembly remember to give God quality thanks and worship. Thanks for reading and Happy Blogging- Emmanuel.

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