Wednesday, April 03, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "RIDUMENTS OF LEADERSHIP" As a leader in your establishment, ministry or business place, it tell on us to carry those we lead along and expose them to all the rudiments of leadersiip through training and getting them involved in the work. It is a dangerous failure on the part of any leadership if it failed to prepare those to whom they would handover power on retirement. In your pursuit cursently, do you have a plan for a surcessor or you are a leader that hold to your chest, everything about the riduments of your office. Remembes this always that a leader without a surcesso is a failure and a bad leader. I implore you to be a roll model that other will like to emulate, in so doing you will eventually be decorated with medals, because you would have leave a foot print for others to follow. Give this a thought. Thanks for reading and keep blogging - Emmanuel.

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