Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "EXPERIENCE" There are two unavoidable cross road to pass to gain experience, which are failure and disappointment. Since knowledge and skill have to be gained through 'doing' something for a period of time., the process of gaining the experience may result in failure and disaqointment,which is inevitable in the course of learning new things. If you are afraid of failing , it means you've not tried your hands on a new thing, don't be scared of failing, it is an opportunity to try again untill success is achieved. Remember that you are a product of the decision you took sometimes ago. Your current position is your opportunity, it is your life, make it the way it ought to be, learn a new thing to improve yourself in your carrer, and the required knowledge and skills to move to the top will be available to you. Also have a mind-set that has God at the centre, acknowledge Him in all your ways (pro.3:5&6)., He will surely direct your paths untill you arrive at decorated point. Thanks for reading and keep blogging- Emmanuel.

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