Tuesday, April 09, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "EMOTIONAL LEFTOVER" A difficult, hurtiful situation can leave you more than you can handle at the time, and then, you sometimes carry away the "emotional leftover" as .well, even if you don't intend to do so. That's what you often allow to happen when emotional, relational or spiritual circumstances steal your peace and leave you burdened. Why? hold onto emotional distress that you don't want or need, and choose to carry around endlessly? It serves no good; it never improves nor profits your life. Why don't you lay them aside? People stumble under the needless weight of regret about things they cannot change, worry over matters they do not control, trouble over mistakes they can't undo, and brood over relational hurts they hold tightly. You may struggle, needlessly with things of your past that are only as relevant as you continue to permit them to be. Sometimes, leftover just need to be left! "And whoever not receive you, let your peace return to you, when you depart out of that house or city".(Matt.10:11-14) Jesus was forthright with His disciples, reminding them that life would not always be as they assumed; people would not always receive them as they should. In those times, they should regain their peace and go their way unencumbered. Remember this fact always' that the past is meant to remain in the past, not become the comperative measure of your tomorrow. Good or bad, hurtiful or helpful, the past is never good place to live. Tomorrow, not yesterday, is where your future is. Therefore anchor your faith upon Jesus, becuase in Him you have sure plan and promises for better than all life of struggles. Thanks for reading and keep blogging- Emmaxuel.

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