Monday, April 29, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "INSIGHT" Let us examine the least of things which God gives to us freely that cannot be puchased with metal treasure or achieved by human effort. Money cannot buy sleep, God gives His beloved sleep freely (Ps. 12.7: 2 ). Studies (geography) teaches that rotation of the earth on its axis result in the day and night. Who actually rotates the earth? If the 720 hours in one month are to be spent as bright days without the phenomenon of night experience, can you imagine what life would be like? The heart is a great muscular pump that start working when life began in the womb and continue working without stopping to rest for a single day, some people live up to over- eighty to ninety years on earth, without having to worry about servicing their component part for a single day. If it were to be regularly serviced, how many people could afford such highly specialized services? With just this very few, has God touched somebody with His mercy? Does God deserve thanksgiving? If we are sincere. God should be allowed to take a centre stage of our lives, in fact, God should have a better deal from us for his enduring mercy. Readers! Think of this things and show your gratitude to the most High God. Thanks for reading and keep blogging - Emmanuel.

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