Saturday, April 27, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "FEAR" One of the most man enemies is fear, some doctors estimate that neurotic conflicts which result from fear play a part in over 50% of all ailments brought to them. Fear can hinder careers, sap one's vitality and energy, retard one's work and destroy personal relationships. The irony is that most instances its cause is imaginary. It is estimated that 92% of what boiling up inside of us as a result of fear will never materialize. So we worry about things that never come to pass. We worry about loosing our job, we fear an examination in school, we fear that we'll have some dreaded disease and fear of going for medical check-ups. Many things we anticipated we never met, and most of the thing we do meet did far less damage than we imagined. We expend much nervous, anxiety uselessly. No wonder, some have defined fear as: F- False, E - Expectation, A - Appearing, R - Real. That is FEAR. The life may be full of fears, dreads, terrors, frights and anxieties, but when you turn-up to Jesus, you can lives continuously under God's protection and there is no need to fear. Thanks for reading and keep blogging - Emmanuel.

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