Saturday, June 22, 2013

Inspiration: Inspiration: Inspiration: Inspiration: Inspiration...

Topic: "LEADERSHIP IS NECESSARY" Leaders are the ones who dream the dreams. Leaders are the ones who are the visionaries. They are the ones that have to answer the hardest questinns within the outfit. They deal with the most complicated of issues. There is both risk and exhilation in the full view that they have in mind, for they are the ones that are out in front and continually address the perspective , where we are going. Even, a pack of Eskimo dogs, when hitched to a sled, needs a leader. The main difference between the dog that leads and those who follow is the scenery. The one out in front has a much better view. With this revelations, as an arrow-edge in our various endeavour we must be a man or woman filled with qualities that befit a responsible and responsive leader. Thanks for reading and Happy weekend! Emmanuel.

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