Monday, April 22, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Topic: "SET TIME" There is a set time for each and everyone of us. Therefore God will not bend His rules to accommodate us because of our worries. Take note of this fact, that whosoever wants to receive greater thing from God must not do it hastly. It is of a true, that many lose their faith in God when their expectations based on God's promises are delayed, we should know that delay is not denial. Sometimes God's appointed time for our blessing seem to drag. When this happens, it may mean that God is waiting or preparing for us a vantage time when such blessing would do us the highest good. In such cases, God,s one day may seem like a thousand years to us. God will never be late in doing us good, neither would He change His set time because of our anxiety. Therefore friends! Learn how to wait for God's set thme. Thanks for reading and keep blogging - Emmanuel.

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