Sunday, March 17, 2013

My Mobile Blog: My photo

Topic: "HONEST LEADER" An honest leader must not use his office to amass wealth to himself, neither should he devise a smart mean of 'legitimately' enriching himself at the expense of others in other words, greed and fraudlent methords were not part of 'leadership policy', he must not tabe bribes or gifts that woukd blind his eyes so he could be unfair to those who do not give gifts. A leader is not honest when because of gifts received over time acts contrary to what God is saying in a given situation. A leader must be godly, upright, principled and truthful. But today many men and women were into the position of leadership who have no definite definition for the word "honesty". Therefore reliasing this facts that it is God that put one in position of leadersiip and anything we do in the course of our tenor will be accounted for. So be modest and honest leader. Thanks for reading and keep blogging- Emmanuel.

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