Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Mobile Blog: Re- claim of my blog

Title: "QUALITY OF LEADERSHIP" A leader is expected to lead by example, in addition , another importance quality of leadership is to response to issue promptly by taken quick decision, delay atimes is dangerious and it may bring adverse upon the followers. A leader must be pro-active in all his actions. You ought to be a leader by example. Don't be a task master, but learn how to carry people along by allowing them to express their feeling. Remember that in the place of honour people count, some come into your life as a blessing and other comes as a lesson, you need both of them to forge ahead. Therefore, be ready to accomnodate people and response to issue promptly as an Arrow-edge. Assuredly you shall be decorated with mddals. Thanks for reading and Happy Blogging. Emmanuel.

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